So... This episode was kind of fun and had a number of interesting little references.

It's that painting being reused again.
It's that painting being reused again.
And this is an actual drink which is used by health nuts to detox and was popularized by Dr. Oz.
So the comics were right - they are Pirates (Panels from MLP:FiM #13).
I think Inconvenient Eagles are going to become a meme... Also don't worry - the duck lived!
Ummm... Pinkie Pie why are you taking photos of Big Mac's Flank? Oh... You went to the Razzaroo school of creepy photography (Screencap from MLP: A Charming Birthday)... that explains it.
Something tells me Lil Bub was a major inspiration on the cat designs here.
Ah an episode about Pinkie's lineage... Oh what's this? This reference came out of nowhere. One might say it was a 'Surprise' (Screen cap from My Little Pony and Friends: The End of Flutter Valley Part 8)... In case you don't get it - see this: MLP:FiM History & Concept
Oh look, that Pony Battleship game again.
In case you missed it - here is what was in the cave.
Also someone noticed this... It shows up around the 17 Min mark...
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