Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Nightmare Night!

Stables of the DAMNED #14: The Uninvited Guest!



Welcome once again my little ponies! It is I Deinos, the mare of midnight! It's here my little ponies! Nightmare Night! But don't worry after tonight there will be two bonuses!

Tonight however we look at a story where all the ponies died - 'The Uninvited Guest' from My Little Pony #5. You see my little ponies you should always be careful about your guest list, leaving some important guests off the list leads to utterly terrible consequences.

And in the end the lone survivor Twilight just reverses time and alters the entirety of reality so that the events never happened in the first place. And you 'Bronies' complain about your own Twilight Sparkle being overpowered! Sheesh! But also remember it cost a thousand stars 'which twinkled in the sky then disappeared' to do that little trick of altering all of reality...

Happy Nightmare Night!

4͎͉͖1̩̰͔ ̳̘̗̩̺̦ͅ7̹̰̺̣2͇̳͖̠̲̞̰ ̵̖6̹̝͓͍̫̱̪9͙̮̤̙̳̠̩ 7͈̜͘ͅ3̙̯̳̗ ̡̦̯͔6͔̮͎̹͘5̡̺̼̞̹̜ ̙̠2̩͎͇̯͈1 ̫2̦̺̜̖̠̘͢0̲͓̹ ̗͔̳̭̖̬̫4͎̬1͉͚̳͖̬̟̮ ̞̘̖͓͞7̲̤̤2̵ ̥͔̘͉͜6̛͇̥̪ͅ9͎ ̱̝̩͟7̗̹3̸ ̝̻͝6̲5̪͎̯͈ ̛̼2̶1̞̭̙̣


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #13: The Bright Lights



Welcome once again my little ponies! It is I Deinos, the mare of midnight! With Nightmare Night fast approaching let us look at the My Little Pony 'n Friends serial 'Bright Lights'. Bright light features a traveling male performer pony named Knight Shade who is a mash up of 80s pop icons Prince and Michael Jackson. But this performer has a dark secret - he has made an unholy bargain with a demon named Erebus where he is given great fame but is used by Erebus as a vehicle to collect 'shadows' What are theses 'shadows' my little ponies? Why they are actually souls as Galaxy implies in episode two of the serial:  "No doubt they feel empty and incomplete. The loss of their shadows being an outward sign of some loss of substance." So yes, the demon here is feeding on souls to gain power.

Oh and the demon Erebus? He takes his name from Erebus the Ancient Greek primeval god of darkness "whose dark mists enveloped the edges of the world, and filled the deep hollows of the earth". The name was also used for the dismal, netherworld realm of Hades. (Erebus on Theoi)

 So yeah, we have the personification of darkness and suffering devouring the souls of cute pastel ponies in a story of a Faustian bargain - isn't My Little Pony 'n Friends grand?

What happens to those whose souls have been taken? Well when the ponies travel to the little gothic town of Grayvale they find out my little ponies...

The inhabitants of the town have become warped living in darkness, driven into utter depression, and filled with anger. They belt out a song 'We're Going to Make You Sorry' in raspy voices as they come streaming from under bridges, out of graveyards, and dank basements to converge on our group of protagonist ponies.

Eventually, the ponies do triumph by weakening Erebus by making him expend his powers and he is finally defeated by the Flutter Ponies. The Flutter Ponies, those lithe ponies with fairy wings, belt out a ballad singing about how utterly badass they are and how they are not to be messed with as they utterly curb stomp the soul devouring demon of darkness.

Until next time my little ponies be wary of signing contracts with odd figures... they may be more than what you bargained for!

5̸2͚̺̫̳̹͉ ̠̼̹̤̗̼̣4͍̯̙͟ͅ9̞ ̬̯͙̗̯͈ͅ53̻̗̗̱̗͟ͅ ̷̫̹̝͙4͏̹̰͎̖̦5͕͈͚͉̭ ҉͙̺̳̳̖̬͙2͍̻̀0͙̻̞̠̩̫ ̜͚̯͙4̵̘̙ͅd̶͚̮͕ ̫̪͇̭̲̝̳͞5̮̝͖̤̳̘̩9̕ ͉20̻͔̪̜̖ ̟̪̞̩̬͓4̨̤͙̳͖3͓̺̟̱͈͈̪͟ ̤̻̼̳̟̰̹͝4̩̟8̟̩͝ ̺͖͈̤̟4͎̭͡9҉̮͚̹͓̬̫ ̲̰͚̠͎̦̼4͉̝̼c̶̺͍ ̜̞̠̟̭͝ͅ4̷͎4̰̪̙̩̳̠ ͇̠̮̫5̢̪̦̦̰̰̩̳2̢̬̳̫̟̦̺͓ ̵̳̝̦ͅ4͎̗̥̼5̙͘ ̖͎̺̹̘͍̱4̱̟e͓̮̟̰ ͍̝͚̻̫͟ͅ2̗̥͙̟͝0̺̬̝͕͔ ͝4͖̩̠̜6͚̟̙͈́ ̵̼̜̭͎͎͔5͏̱̦͔̪2̺͠ ̵̩̻4̬̻̪͓̝͕ͅf̦̜̬͉̮͜ ̠̰̜̹̞̦4̹̼͚̳ͅd̥̞ ̢̙̦̝̯ͅͅ2̰͚͢0͚ ҉̭̻5̱͕͘4͖ ̖̪͘4͎̱̰̖8̣̩̼͍ ͕̬͢4̴̪̞̙̠̠5̶͕̜̖̼ ̢̫̻̪̫2̴̖0͏͉̘ ̛5́3̴̰͎ ҉4̲̬8̪̦͎̳ ̱4̗͉̥̲̭̱͔1̟͉̫̮ ̡͈̘̥͓4̢͈4̤̳͚͔ ̦̩͚̕4͟f̡̤̝̺̲ ͏̗̖5̕7͙̗̰̻ ̛̝͙̯̟̟̜53̡̤̠̭̺ ̷̥̮̤̲2̧͖0 ̨̪4҉̥͍̫̺̲1͘ ͈4̧̬̲̯͙̩e͈̠̩͖̲ ̜͔͇̙̜̕4̙͍͇̣͜4̞͠ ̪͚2̯0̞̭ ҉4̣3͉͈͚͟ 4̷͙̞̻̺f̜͔̣̣̝̺̭͝ ̗̪̬4̱̱̹ͅd̵ ̭̀4͖͇̣̯5̼ ̹̩̖̼̮͔͖͡2̖0͠ ̥̻̖͕4͚̪̺̰̕9̩͔͚̪̤ ̫̥ͅ4̟̟̙̟̬̣̲́e ̶͓̺5̘̼̺̬4̺͚͎̱͇͇ ̰̠4̵̦̘̯f͘ ̨2̟̲̬̥̲̣̰0 ͇͉5͓͚4͎̲̹̤̬̕ ̡͉͎̫̺̹4̦͔̞8̥̪̞ 4̮̞͈̱̙̬̺5̩̕ ̼̼͚̺͖̠̩2̵͓̝0̢̯͖͚͚͈̮ ̛͖̣͖4̨̤̤̖̦͖c̵̱̯ ̜̖̗̭͖͡4̙̙̘̦͕̪́9 ̸̤̘̮̙̯̪̜4̤͖7̖̤̘͓̮ ̨̻̟͕̭͎̖4̠̤͔8̥͔͕̠͈ ̷5͉̹̠̠̜̜͝4̟ 2̤͝0͍̥̣̞͇͎̳ ͖4̧̘͎f͍͚̪͕͈̹͘ ̢͕4͚̺̗̘͚́6̛ ̧̮͕̣͓20̸͇̜̣̘ ̼͚̬͖̀5͔4̴̝̞̳̜͔ ̵͓̲̤̯̤̯4̴̰̫8̬̜̹̟̬ ̩̠4̴̯̹̰̥5̴̖̻ ̷̺2̦̲͡0̦͎͓͟ ̡̻4̴̜̻̬̼͎̰6̰͍̹̮͟ ̯̲̝̰̝̹4̬̖͓̞͕̦̤f̠̤̬ ̺͉͍̮̥̪5̨̖̝̪̤̲̰5 ̫̖̣̬̘͞5͓2̷̙̺ ̞̞͞2͏̟͇0̛̻̱͓͙̥ ͙̹̰͍̖͔̭53̵̙̗̠̦̟͖͖ ̻̰͇͈ͅ5̴̖̘̭̫͇͈4̙̻̱͇̣ ̡͇͓̼̘̜̤4̯1 ̙̤͚̝ͅ5̤2͏ 5̯̝̦͍̕3̙̬͘



From My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #12 which came out today:

Monday, October 28, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #12: I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream.



Welcome once again my little ponies! It is I Deinos, the mare of midnight with more... As we have seen earlier generations of ponies were no stranger to killing an unrepentant villain or two such as the Jewel Wizard, Lavan (who died screaming in delicious agony), and a few others. One set of villains ended up with a far worse fate for crossing the ponies, my little ponies - the Raptorians.

In the My Little Pony 'n Friends serial 'The Glass Princess' (which seems to be a barely disguised allegory of the Cold War) the Raptorians wish to profit by turning all their enemies/obstacles to glass. They do this by fawning over the naive Princess Porcina and convincing her to uses her magic cloak to turn things into glass for them. Wishing to take over and loot Ponyland they get her to turn it and all of its inhabitants to glass. The ponies freeze in agony as they are frozen and turned to glass.

Another group of ponies confront Porcina and she realizes what a horrible thing she was done since looking at them in person she sees they are living creatures and she talks about how they they didn't seem real when she was looking at them through the magical screen of her magic looking glass and changing them to glass.

The Raptorians are unhappy and there is a struggle for the magic cloak. The Raptorians get turned to glass in the chaos and what do the ponies do? They just leave them there and go back to ponyland where they reverse the spell on the Ponies and Ponyland (to which the ponies cheer and act relieved imply that they were at least somewhat conscious in the glass state). The cloak is then destroyed with the Raptorians left as glass with their expressions frozen in horror for presumably all eternity.

So the lesson here? - Do not cross adorable ponies or you might end up suffering an eternal living death. Muhahahahaha!!!

4́2̳̩͚̠ ̼4͉̳5͏̞̯̬͇̟̭͙ ̩̹͕̫͔2̡̠͖̣̫0̩͉ͅ ͈̯̜5͚̤̣̰̺0͟ ̣̰͍̲̱̀5̀2̦̮͓̼̘͞ ͖͈4҉̼5̶ ̖͉̭͚͇̜5̣0͏͔͚ ̧̪̟̮͓4҉̩1̭̲̖̰ ͍͜52̝̟͍̣̰̤͔ ̙͚͙͎͢4̱̼5̵̳̟̤͕͇̯ ̼͎̙͕̲͎͎͟4̨͎̭̗4͙̣̘͞ 2̸͕̘͔1̬̣̤̺͝


Stables of the DAMNED #11: The Shadow Forest



Welcome once again my little ponies! It is I Deinos, the mare of midnight with more of Ponyland's flora! Now you all know of the Everfree Forest with it's 'Spooky' trees my little ponies. Well, it was inspired by a much worse forest - The Shadow Forest. The trees weren't just 'spooky' they actively tried to kill you my little ponies! They generating spears to impale you with or just attempted to crush you to death.

In My Little Pony: The Movie a group of Ponies and Humans only make it through the Shadow Forest thanks to a Twinkle Eyed Unicorn named Fizzy's bravery as she breaks off and attracts the trees' fire so the others get away. After dodging the projectiles through skillful use of a teleportation spell she manages to barely escape herself.

Here is the segment from the movie featuring the Shadow Forest with the 'Giggle at the Ghosties' song from your FiM dubbed over it to highlight the contrast between G1 and the much lighter G4:

54͓̭̫ ́4̡8͕ ̩̞͎͔4̨̣̦͍̫̱̩͉5̯͙̜̪̜̭͈ ̟̣͍͈2͠0 ̺́54͖ͅ 4̭͇̰͇ͅ9̝̪͝ 4̹d͕ ̧̮͎͚͓̗̤4͔̞̜̱͙̬͙5̕ ̠20̙̥̱͚ ͢4̥̺̘̞̣̱̟9̜̻͎͖̺͖ ̤5̫͖͖̥͉̰3̸̗̳ ̩̥̰̜̳̞2͏̱0̩͉̪̖̪̠ ̜̩̭͇4͉̟͕̲͍1̤͙̭ ̸̤̝̳͎̻̣4̥c̣͙͖͙̥̰̮ ͈̥͘4̧͇̲̪͕͙̟d͍̳̙͕͙̳ ̩4͇̯̜͙͢f͎̣̩̕ ҉5͇͓͙̫̫̭͡3̧̙̦̲ ̖̝̼̮̙̩5̴͇4̦̺̞͇̘̬͓͘ ̠̜͓͚̲2̞͍̜̟͝0̼͈̺̭̩ͅ ̴̖̮̘̝4̖̩̟̙̬͓̭8̟̭̠͠ 4̪̫̖̞̩̫5҉̫̙͍ ̝̗̗̝̠5̧̝̙͖̯̣ͅ2͔̩̬̘̥̣ ̝͙4̘͇5̛̬̣̺̖


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #10: The Doom Dasies



Welcome once again my little ponies! It is I Deinos, the mare of midnight with another tale of pony horror! What's that Ponyland can't be that horrible you say? It looks pretty with all those flowers? Well my little ponies appearances can be quite deceiving. Let us look at one of those species of flowers: THE DOOM DAISIES!

The Doom Daisies may look like normal daisies my little ponies but touching them will end your life turning you into a ghost and forced to haunt Haunted Hill forever! They even made a little maze activity of it where the little fillies must guide Megan to the 'Tower of Doom' (which has a nice rainbow behind the ruins and the bats) without treading on the dread Doom Daisies!

(Scans Source: Heck Yeah Pony Scans)

Until next time sleep tight for the bed bugs do bite...

4̭͖6̥̗͎̭̟̮ ҉̝̳̩̥4̢̘̹̥̗͙c̝̦͍͙̪̜ ̟̦4̲̼f̧̰̻̫̻̮ ̩̕5͎̠̬̺̤̮7͙̺̝͉̤ ̼̤̬̗4̬̗5 ̲̯̯̫̰̪͍5͈̝̦͙̟̜͍2 ̲̘͍͜5̧̯͔͕̻̜͍̘3 ̶̣̫̠2̞̺̝̪͇̯̕0̹̣̦ ̥̘4̷̙̜̼̼̫2̲̖͘ ̼̱ͅ4̖̳5 ̨2̧̙͈̲̪0̻̜̬ ̖̬̱5̘̘͍̜ͅ4͍ ̱͖͚̯̼̭4̠̺͕̯͔8̡͔ ̶̭4͖̗͈̞5̛̱ ͚̬͟59̮̠̥͚̼̟ ̛̝̘2̦̗͎0͈̺̖͖͈ ̀5̴̤͈̳̝͓̰̲7̧͉̝̥͓ ̢̠̻̹͍͉4͎̪8̷͚̰̮̙ ̣̱̰̺̝̠4͡9͔̩̼͖͇̫ ̵̝5҉̫͔̩̥̰̠4̧̖̭ ̮͚͍͇͝4̦͔͙̳̠̣̭5͈̤̻̯ ̞̫̞͉̬͉̭͠2̛̟̠̳0̗ ͓̻͓̜̳4̯͍̩͇͚f ͚̰͇̤̹̱͓͢5̖͞2̴̝̦̲̞ ̫̭̩̕2̛̭̲͍̠̣̖̣0̖ 4͕̭͈ͅͅ2̙̬̮͇̗͉͚͢ ͇̤̳̰̼͍4̜̩͠c̘ ͔̖͕͕̠͙̕5҉͉̲5̣ ͔̥̠̣̦4̵5 ̞̩2̧0̣͚̮͎͇̝ͅ ̀4́3̝̬̜ͅ ̳͖͓̮̙̣4̷̹̹̱̦̻1̙ ͎̙̩̗̟͙4͙̹͍͉̹͍̠e̦̩͕͎̕ͅ ̨͓͖̗̙̙ͅ4̠e͚͙̗̹̳͍̟ ̥̪͍̪̱̀ͅ4̮̹̱̲͔f͕̲̝̹͇̮͔ 5͙͇̦4̨̲͍͕̝̠͕̲ ̴̠2̡͉͎͇̙0̡͍̦ ҉5̬̦ͅ3̨̘̺̝̱̞ ̠̫5̗4̯̖̳͖ ̣͟4̦f̬ ̘̝̮͔5̟͇͍͍0͏̝ ̫͖͖̝̟2̣̗̱̼̞̙͈0̴͓͙̘̼͕ ͍̻̖̗͡5̳̝̟͖͚̲̲5̱̳̫ ̖̹̲͙̝͔̪5͚͕͇͇̫͠3̗͕̝̫̘̭́


Stables of the DAMNED #9: The False Lavender Lady!



Welcome once again my little ponies! It is I Deinos, the mare of midnight with another tale of pony horror. You know they say that the unknown is far more disturbing than the known... And a story in MLP #7 entitled 'Heart Throb and the Lavender Lady' is quite effective with this.

The story begins with Heart Throb about to get a delivery of Lavender for Majesty's royal bedroom. The Lavender Lady is however an imposter and is trying to steal magical artifacts including the horse shoes that magnify Majesty's power greatly and Majesty is a pony who can will new ponies into being and has near god like powers. When they realize this Heart Throb, Bowtie, and Spike hold the False Lavender Lady prisoner with Spike threatening to use his fire breath on her if she moves.

When the real Lavender Lady arrives they turn the False Lavender Lady over to her and to allow her to decide what happens to the imposter. As for who the False Lavender Lady is, what she was planning, and what will happen to her the real Lavender Lady refuses to say anything except "Some stories are better with no ending".

Consider for a moment what that previous villains have wanted to conduct things like outright genocide (Ex: King Charlatan in "Baby, It's Cold Outside" who wanted to eliminate all other forms of life on the planet with a freezing megaspell so that only he and his army of penguins would survive) and that Majesty has things like 'The Book of Horrors' a Necronomicon stand in and we get into how disturbing the False Lavender Lady really is...

Perhaps my children it is best to not know and perhaps some stories are better with no ending for the truth may be more horrible and maddening than you can possibly comprehend.

Until next time sleep tight for the bed bugs do bite...

5͏͇̭͇̟̟͍͎4̫ 4̞8̭̠͍̬̮͓̕ ͔̤̹̟4̧̗̦̭͕5͏̭ͅ ̖͢2̸̝̙0̪̹̖̲͉̫̗ ̰42̴͇̻̝̜̫̞̺ ̳͡4̱f̠ ̤4̰f̪͉͢ ̶4̶̳̖͚̪̟͔ͅb̭͎̠̜̮̜̞͟ ̟͍̘͕̭͔̙20̟̯ ̢̻̞4̠̻̜̤͍̺̲9͝ ̦̼̹̬̤͍5͏̣͔̭̩̭̞̫3͎̞ ̠̭2̡̝̰̝̣̬ͅ0̻̼͕̭ ̳̱͕̼̝̳̺4͚̱̘f͔ ̭̤̳̪͇͕55͓̺̱͚ ̳̣̘̠͎̺̕5̩͓̼͉͙2̮͇̭͉ ̡͇̮͖͍͍̣̖2̵̝͓̻̬̜̩͙0̛̰ ̰̤̯̹5̢͕̣̭̖̙̦4͝ ̵̹̬͖̭̞̥4̳̫͕́f̩̬̗͚͞ ̘̲4̴͍f̫̤̣͔̠̮̙͠ 4̝̞c̻ ̶̞̭͈͚̞2̤̝̳̯0̻̮̥͓͕̞ ̻̮̦̘͟ͅ5̛͍̠̳͎4̢̮̞̤̤̹ ̳̬͍͍͚͓̬͝4͇̣̞̻̥͉͠f̨̫͉̙̪̰̦ ̼͖̀2͖̝̮̼͇͡0̠͖̟̦̖ ̺̺͍̺́ͅ5̪̜̭͝2̴͔̘͎͙͔ͅ ̕4͈̱̱̘͕̠ͅ5̛̫ ͞5҉͚͇͇ͅ3̳̯̰͖ ̸̳̠̱̬̯̩5̫̞̖̤͈͇́4̖̠ ̟̥̺4̴̹̦̖̻f͔͚͢ ̟̖̣͕̪̙5̀2̜̬̥̹͝ ̥͖̼͖͓͙͙4͙̼͎̠̻5͇̝̺̠̼̳̘͡ ̤̲̙̯̻͉͙͡2̢͈͔̰̜0̪ ̨͎̘͎4̫͖͙͟9̬̱̬͓̩̬̜́ ̴̘͚̖͓5̻4̞̖̟̮͜ ͇̤͍̱̠̳͎2̜̭̜͖͎́0͇̲͙̪͖̲̀ ̠̘̙41̢̯̥͙̣̖̯͕ ̪̹̩̗4̠̼͔̻̟̕c̗̥̰̤̞̠̖ ͏͔̬̳̤͖4̢̲͉̦c̴̰͍̤


Friday, October 25, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #8: A Multiverse of Ponies



Hello again my little ponies, it is I Deinos! Let's go back to the subject of books hidden in secret places in the castles of Ponyland. During the third generation the ponies while cleaning out one of their ancient castles stumbled up a book... a book of mysteries (which I should point out is entitled 'The Book of .......' and the ponies cannot make out the last word so it becomes 'The Book of Mysteries') and an enchanted mask in The Enchanted Mask from the MLP 2005 Comic Annual:

Foolishly the ponies began randomly reading from the book and a mask flew around ransacking the castle until it became still once more... Kimono looking in the library discovers all who have donned the mask have disappeared for several days before reappearing in their bed with no memory of what happened in the intervening time.

Minty being curious puts on the mask and disappears... Only to reappear in a parallel world where her friends all have different special talents and roles. She is also invisible and unable to interact with this strange different version of her own world. After a couple days pass she reappears in her bed with no memory of what happened after she put on the mask. Deciding that it will stay a mystery and is possibly dangerous the ponies lock away the mask with a warning...

Scans from Heck Yeah Pony Scans - The Enchanted Mask - (Full Scan of the Story Here)

Beware of other dimensions my ponies... You never know what may be lurking out there... plotting...

Also never randomly read from ancient evil books my little ponies, it never ends well.

5̗͇̯4̗ ̳4̛̣8̖ ̬͔̺͞4͖͕5̦̣͕̮̩͢ 20̗͎̗̹̩̘͜ ̙͔5̞̥̬͚̤̦ͅ2̞̝̞͔ ͖̩̬̼͖4̶̜̮͖̯̞5̖͝ ̶̘̰̮̯̠̪̜4̥̳̘̺̙1̞͕̀ ̪̩̼͙̳4҉̣̼̰̗̥̘c̴̯̤̞̮̻ ̧̦̦̩̗̺͕̫4̖̫̻̤̬̪̕d̵̠̙͎ ͚͔̪͎̱̣2̦͙͎̟̺͔͕0͕͈̮͢ ̧4҉̩͓̬f̼͖̼͎ͅ ̺͢ͅ4҉̱6̷̟͓͓̩ͅͅ ͘2̢̘̭̳0̺̺͖͢ ̡͇̰͙̙̖4͕͖͝4̲͝ ͏̞͓4̴̜̺̟͍1ͅ ̘̗̲5͙̲̬̮̣͜2̤̗̩͈͕͝ ͏̭̤̠ͅ4͔͉͚̪͖͓b͓̫͕̰̹̞̕ͅ ̰̫͍̘̫̱͢4̹̪̦̦e̲͎̬̺͡ ̞͎̝̮4̷͕͇̘̫͓͕ͅ5̴ ̛5̙͝3̹̼͙̜̞ͅ ̘̙5͘3̡͓͙̤̗̦̬̥ ̙̼̩̲̠͎̳2̝̞̘0 ̞̗̭̙͖͍̘5̺̠̞͠3̠̙̞̦̞͍ ̠̹̫͘4͏̼̱8̨̘͔͙͍ ͔̠4҉͈̣̟1̸̣͓̤̳ ͓̰4c̮͔ ͉̲̼̯̘͙4̶c̥̮̟͈̤͎ ͖͚ͅ2̺̝͔͉0̻͈ ͎̱̰̘̻̯4̴̹͈͍͚̭̜2͙̭̫̭ͅ ̩͍̩̘͔͠45̨͔͕̬͉̞̩ ͎̱2̯̪͠0̗̬ ̜͜4̝̞̣͓͓5҉̭ ͝4̥̪͎̞̣ͅe̢̖͖̗ ̜̜̳̗̻̼͍4̶̳̳̠c͔͉ ͈̗͡4̮̠̫͉̩ͅ9̶̤͙ ̴̠̩͓̭̰͎4͓7̨̥̺̯̪̜̗ ̵̞̭4̞͔̭̺8̖ ̴̫͓͍͔5͉4̧̲̻̘̭ ̸4͈5̦ ̢̗͉̘̦͉4̵̝̳̹̝̞̳ȩ̠̜̹̭ ̲̜̣͙̯̣4̬̣̭̱͢5̮̱͞ ̙̩̳̗͎̞4̵4̬͓̕ ̞͕̪2̸͓͈̣0̷͎ ̶̟͖̟4͍̺̣̦̟2͏̣̣̯͇͇̟ 59̟͚̟̫̭ ̖͙2̰͙̟̺0̰̲̲͜ ̧̹̩̲4̖f̩͞ ͖̪̝̪̘̘̫5̰5͏ ͓͉̫̖5̦̫̺̹́2͏̞̱͔̠͕ ̫͈͍2̘̫̜͖̗0̜ͅ ̧̗͙͓42͔̠̯̜͈ͅ ̝ͅͅ4͖̱̮͍̼1̱̰ ͓̫̺͔̟̮4̴̠̞͓͈ç̪ ̛̙̲̯͚͍̲̘4̻̹̙̮ͅͅ5̼̖̠̲̼̀ ͏͖͕̫4͠6҉ ͍͈̯̙̤́5̢͕̰͓̥̣̹5͙̫͎̗͎͖̘ ̢ͅ4̲c͕̳̳̩̰͔ 2̫0̦͔̞̱̱͍̟ 4̸̖̦̺̦c҉͓̖̝͕͕ ̜͎̼̗̥4͖͡9̬͝ ̤̫̳̬ͅ4̟̜̟͕7̡̺̰͚ ̥4̪8̕ ̨̖̳̗̥̥̬͓5͈̺̤̹̟4̷̪̹̭


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #7: The Madness of Patch



Hello again my little ponies, it is I Deinos! Tonight let us focus on a certain pony from My Little Pony Tales. She my ponies is kind of similar to how you imagine your Lyra Heartstrings to be. She is weird, she believes in conspiracy theories, she is best friends with a pony named Bon Bon (and seems rather very close), and has obsessions with fantastic creatures like aliens or "Magical Flying Ponies".

Unlike your Lyra she is an actually mane character in the show and she encounters things such as a ghost in 'Slumber Party' and the 'Magical Flying Ponies' (An Alicorn with Pegasi - both believed to be Mythical).

She is the only one who ever sees these things and all the other characters do not because they are away for some reason. Ex - Everypony else is asleep when Patch encounters Squire's ghost and even though Bon Bon was in the balloon she was covering her eyes in fear because their balloon was crashing and afterward she doesn't believe Patch's story about 'Magical Flying Ponies' appearing and saving them. 

This presents two interesting options and ways of viewing My Little Pony Tales:

A: Although the world is dominated by technology and normal (like our own appears) the world is actually a lot more magical and much weird place. It is a world where spirits walk the night and an Alicorn keeps close watch on a town of Earth Ponies while hiding its own existence as well as the existence of other types of ponies for reasons utterly unknown.

B: Patch is absolutely freaking mad and is hallucinating all of her encounters.

Both of these options make for great ways of looking at the show and I have to say it was a rather brilliant move keeping Patch's experiences debatable by having other characters away when she has them and questioning them.

Until next time My Little Ponies - Sleep tight for the bed bugs they do bite... as well as other thing that go bump in the night!

4͎̳̥̪1̧̟̱̞̠ ̲̜5͚̟ͅ2̶̱̙ ̝̹̼͍̯͉͡4͕̘9̡ ̘͖̣̻̘͚5̖̱̳3̞̹̬͢ ̘̻̭̦4̱͎5̖̟͈̮͇ ̝̲2̀0͚͓̣̠̰̠͜ͅ ̩͉̪̞4̞̲̗d̫ ͅ5͓̞͔̬̝͉͕9́ ̲̭͇̮̮̮̯2͏͚̪0̡̥̬̫͇͚̪̮ ̤̩͢4̫̟́3̛̫͕͇ ͚̫͉̣̘̗̰4́8̫̯͇͍̞͍ ͖̟4͏̬̙̟̹̝̲̤9̰̲͇͎͔ ̪͓̘͞ͅ4̞̦̞͘c ͏̹͕4̴̯͕͙̭͚4̺͇̫͙̦ ̞͚͇͖͉̝͝5̤̻̹̙̳̰͟2̲͖̮̙̦̙ ̸̞̳4͍̝̰͈̱̀5 ̼̙͇͘4̶̥͎̣̗̥̤e̮̻͝ ̻2̶0̝̤̱ ̴̤4f̧̜̟̼̗̘͙ ̷4̴̮͙̰6͈̰͖ ̻͚̗̗͡2̯͔̥̩͎͉͔́0 ̵͇̝͖̟͓ͅ5̥͎̪͕̫̣͟4͙̤̞̤̖̰ ̵ͅ4̛͙̹̺͈8̖ ̨̘4̨̺͉̻̣̯̖̖5 ̞̳̮̥̩2̷̩̣̣̗0̥̺̫͖ ̰̮5̠̮̹̞̤̥͟3͇̻̗̝̦̖͘ ̘̗͠5̰͝4̦́ ̶͉̯̯͔̗͚4͎͘1̯̥̰̘ ̯̪͇̪̘͚͖5̸̝̳̫͔̬2̤̪͍͕͟ ̡͓̮5̜̠͓̮́3̹͙͚̹̭̘ͅ ͔͓͖2̤̱͘0͚̤̖͢ 4̴̩͍̲̪͖1̹ ̴̮͇͍̰̪̪4̰̭̰̬̩̝̹e̝̻̣̞̜ ̨̮̫͎̫̰̣͚4̢̺4͈̤͟ ͍̲̘͙͔͚̀2͞0̢̳̗̘̯̲̭ͅ ͏̬̼͕̱̯̠̫5͍̕2͖͘ ͕͍̬͇͈͖͘4͕̖͈5͓͚͇̝͙͓ͅ ̠͙͇̻̣̟ͅ5̻͈̣̩̟̖4͖̬̫́ ̖̻͘5̣5̥̤̣̠ ̺̯͍5̨̭2̠͖͎̼͙ ͖4̰̩e̫̜̕ ̩͖̪̤͉ͅ2̗̹̦͈͖̣͈0̡̻ ̪̜͕͟5̞̩4̙̮̘̱ ̯4͖8͉͈ ̸̙̬̳͈4̥͍̻5͚̦̠̳ͅ ̥͇̥̙̠̰̼2̠̹͍̯0̫͓͇̥̝͙͍ ͔̘̖̬̥͙54̱͟ ͚̮̩̫̞̭͠ͅ5̻͙̞7̲̤̖̲ ̷̪̩̪̩͇̘4̰̣9̢̥̣̰ ̲̘̫̮̤̬͝4̶͕͓̺c͏͇͍͉̮̲͉ ̘̟̰̙4̥9̫͔̠ͅ ̠̦͠4̟̫̭7̲ ̟͈̳͖̞4̷͕̦͈̭8҉̤̙̯̭̦͈ ̠̜̫͕̱͖͢5̢̘͖̜̹̗̭4̻ ̩̬͈̩2̮̬̜̮0̼̲͓͙̞ͅ ͔͕5̼͖̰͠4̥̳̞͍̖͙͙́ ̹͍̜4̹͎͠f̻̣͕ ̨͇̻̙̲̣2̳̘̘̗0͉͕̜͎ ͍̱4͈̟͎͍̥̖8҉ ͎̜̘̲̣̰̕4̯̠͎̪͙͇̦5̙ ̴̤5̙̟̮̗̮̰͇2̘͖͔̖̤̺̬͜ ҉̺̣̬̭̙͙̘2̬̣0͈͈͝ ̟̤͇̘̳͇̞͢5̛͍̖̝̖̘ͅ3̜̮͈͍̭͍͎ ̝͖̫̪̮̟͉4̤̙f̻̭̖̗ ͟5̭̩̗6̜͙͈̜̹̥͠ ͈̤̼̰̫̤ͅ4̝͓͙̦̬́5̮̘͖̬̣̪̥ ̞̖5͇2 ̭̤̜̹̠̳̼4̜̯͔͍̺̥5̩̮ ̼͔̰̘4̭̞9͕ ̛̲̝̜ͅ4͈̜7̟͍̩̙̟̕ ̸̘4e̮͕͇ ̣̖̭̫5̼̱4̫͉̰̩̣ ͏̥̮͖͔͉͎5̩͈̱͚̰̠9̨͍̯̬̗̙̫̺ ̸̖͉̣̦2͏͓̫̣̬0̜̫̠



*$&@(U*@ Interface Online... *SKREEET*



Oh! Hello again my little ponies, it is I Deinos, the mare of midnight once again coming to haunt your nights! Today children let us talk of an ancient book, an evil book... a secret book so powerful and destructive that it is hidden within a secret room in Dream Castle:


Yes, my little ponies, G1 MLP's universe included a book much like HP Lovecraft's Necronomicon. It first appeared in a story entitled 'Ponyland In Danger' spanning My Little Pony issues #12 - 13. After a particularly ominous tarot reading Gypsy talks to Majesty and she is lead to a 'secret room' filled with ancient charts and the 'Book of Horrors' where they read an ancient prophecy about the coming of a formless red cloud thing coming to claim Ponyland as its own.

Fan works of course have merged the Necronomicon and ponies - such as 'Fallout Equestria' with it's Black Book but did you ever expect to see a tome of eldritch lore appear in the actual canon? Oh, but this is just the beginning my little ponies for Ponyland holds much in the way of hidden horrors...

Here is the first part of the 'Ponyland in Danger' story:

54̧͓̰͚̥̙ͅ ͎̭͚͙̺̦̙͟4̫̺̭̬̼̖̬8͓͔̼̤ ̢̫̱̤̲4̛̭͇5̟̪͙ ̷2̟̤0̶ ͉̟̯̦͕̝̦4̟̗͉͚͓͈6̫͔̣̣́ͅ ̹̬̗̤4̸̳͎̘f̮̥̙̗ ̦̞̩̹5̡5̺͙̺ ̣͎͍͔5͉2̛̫̱̤ ̤̦͈̹2̱̻̘̜0̛̳͓̪̬̼ ̮̹͔͉̹̥5̧͈3̠͖̤̰̣̤̣ 5̴̻̟͓͙̯4̛̟͎̰͕̳̙ ͎̫̥͔4͉̱̹̞1̖̥̺̫͚̼͠ ̼̺͍̟5̸̜̪ͅ2̣̹ ̯̬̣͖̯̠͎5̠͈̖̠̩̪ͅ3̳͓ ͉̫̯̞̦̝2͚̼̝̕0͓̺̞̩̙͟ ̻̠̲͔5͚̦͇ͅͅ3͉̖ ̻̦͔͚̙̖͘ͅ4͉̜8̛͙̖̝̺̖ ͞4͏̖͕̭1̶͙̯̜͍͙ ̖͞4̧̠̫c̭͇ ҉̞̫̣̖̞4̷̣̪̫̲͉̹̠c͏̠͙̻̱͇ ̶̬̮̜͍̻2̖̼̬̬͢0̲̘̹̩͟ͅͅ 5̛̳̭̫̱̫͉̘3ͅ ̀4̴ͅ8̥͚̜̮͈̭ ̨4̩͎̝9̤͎̮͝ ̲̜̮4̼͢e̱̣͓̮ ̥̗̮͍̲̰̀4̨5̰ ̟͡2͙̦͚̰0 ͔̘̖̫̱̣ͅ5̧̱͎̗͙̪̟4̡̯ ̦̖͍̀4҉̝͖̤̫8̼̼ ̧̪͓͖4̝5̛̰ͅ ̠̜2͘0̵̼̰ ̵͎4͙2̡ ̭̫̥̭̘̫ͅ4̗1͇̙͙͚̮̳̙ ͈̱̠̲͠ͅ4̨̞͖͚c̢͎ ̸͕͚̱4̺͘5̛̦͖̤ ̞4̵̥̺̤̩̯̻6̤̣͎͙͕̲ ̩̦̼̲̣5̤͍̫̣̲̟ͅ5̢̜̥͈̞ͅ ͔̕4̣̭c̫͚̯ ̢̭̖̝̠̲ͅ2̠̲͍̣̲0̗̼̦̘̱̬ͅ ͜4̟̭̩̣̙̘ͅc̶͔͇ ̶̰̗̼̹͙ͅ4̨̮͔̲ͅ9̙͍ 4̸͕̙7̨͉̼̜̪ ̰͉̹͍̱͟4̨̣͔̺͈8͔̦̤͓ ͉̞̥͉̩͙5͙̩̦͈̝̀4̥̖̣̪̰͘


Firefly Returns!

She is back fillies!

MLP News: Firefly Book Revealed

I'd been wondering if they would bring her back in someway since Hasbro got the Firefly trademark back for the toys category in order to bring Firefly (the GI JOE character) back in GI JOE: Retaliation. Looks like she is back, at least in a nostalgia release.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #5: Squirk



Welcome back my little ponies to the Stables of the DAMNED! I am Deinos, your guide to the weird and horrifying in your stories of the Little Ponies. Let us begin with a ghost story my ponies, the MLP and Friends serial The Ghost of Paradise Estate written by our old friend George Arthur Bloom. This serial begin with Paradise Estate being plagued by a ghost.

What begins as a horrifying ghost becomes much more when it is revealed that the ghost is not a member of the deceased but part of a race of shape-shifting birds known as Pennas. This particular bird named Pooma is being forced to recover the flash stone by an octopus demon who is over 10,000 years old named Squirk who delights in Torture. Using the flash stone Squirk plans to drown the land in water and once again lay claim to all the land after being forced back when his flashstone amulet was taken from him in the past.

Squirk is defeated temporarily at least as it is mentioned that he shall live for centuries more awaiting the right time when he can rise again from the depths to devastate the land! Say that reminds me of something else my ponies...

It is worth mentioning my ponies that the second series My Little Pony Tales first episode was also a ghost story written by George Arthur Bloom and established that not far away was the ruins of an ancient castle and a place called 'Paradise Lake'.

4̀2̥̺̙̠ͅ ͕5͍͉͈̦̘̥̜2̧͙̤̬͉̠̲ 4̖͇͔̜͚̯̕9̬̤ ̧͍̠̦͎̠ͅ4̕e̯̪̹͖̠̩̪ ̣̰̠̥̱̫̤4̼̰̮̯͍̩̀7̟̗̤̭ ̩́2̱͖̳0̬̖̲̩͚͝ ̪4̨̳4̺̪̥͓̣͞ͅͅ ̦̘̯̺͓̞4̨̦̙̟̜̼̠̟f̞̝̟̜͝ ̕5̦͚̹7̺̱͍͓̠͉ ̘̱͍̖͍͢4̷̘̼͎̺e̛̞͚̖̻̩ ̰̯̪20͇̦̣̫̟̭ͅ ̦̖͜5̠̺͍̕4̡͇ ̖͙̱̬̗̞4̙͉̮̖͍8̩͠ ̪̝̥4̢̰͙͇̦͓̟̼5̳͖͚͈̣̮̮ ͉͇̲̝̕2͔̙̦̩̮̬̕0̻̣̞̙̼ ͔͠5̘̣͈̥̭̹3͈ ̴̬͎̩̝5͇͉̹͇4͍̻̠ ͇̦̹̪̱͍͟4̬͍̫͕1͔ ̞̥̜͖̩5̱̙̗̤͡2̴̼̭̤̻ ͇̝̦͖5̳͍̞3̱ ̡̻̤̻̞͎2̲0̟̳͍ ̸̜͔̟̥4̰̼͟6̲̻̳̝̕ 5̞͕̺2͙ ̢̖̱̺ͅ4͖̤͞f̠̹ ̦̺͘4̵͍̖̼̻̲d̦̲̠ͅ ̪̰͟2̶̥̲̟̗̞0̠̰̖͖̩ ̧̜̘̜̜̦4̵̺̲͙1̗̹̫̻̺̯͘ ͚4͖̞͟ͅ2̵̮̰̪͍͎̳͉ ͇̥̝͓ͅ4̤̗̹͎̭̲f̙̳ ̲̮̹̙͎̟͞5̡6̦̬̺ ̷̪̲͙45̮̺̺͈̯̙ ̥̩̘̯ͅ2͇͔̹͎̼͢1 ̜̩̦̗͍͙2͙̲͍̭̰̖̜1̵̯̱̹̝ ҉͕̠͉̪̗͇͖2̷̬̜̜̤͈̬̼1͍̦̀


Monday, October 21, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #4: 'Escape From Catrina'

Please He782y28 She's 93i93ui39o3202030230239023 S9292902u90i29023i023i2302i3022i9492uijuhdddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 9qw29u23u922222222222222222ka! Stop! *Thud*



Welcome back my little ponies to the Stables of the DAMNED! I am Deinos, your guide to the weird and horriflying in your stories of the Little Ponies. Let us talk some more about George Arthur Bloom. Following the 1st MLP Special he wrote the second 'Escape From Catrina' which features the abusive Catrina who is a drug addict. Yes, my children the second special featured the villain Catrina who used to be nice until she discovered Witchweed which 'made her feel powerful' and needed more and more of it.

As her addiction got worse she turned to abusing her lover Rep, a shape shifting lizard, who repeatily tries to unsuccessfully reason with Catrina and try to stop her but ends up enabling her as she gets worse and worse. Already she is employing slaves to make the Witchweed potion and finally she attempts to kill an adorable little baby pony as she is driven mad by her addiction and need for the potion...

Also if you have only seen it in syndication there was a particular song that was cut from the special about Catrina's change and her abuse of Rep my ponies.

Yes, this is an anti-drug PSA my ponies but it is one that is less heavy handed and focuses on the destruction addiction causes to those around you... Until next time my ponies. Muhahaha!!!

44͔͇͔͎̩̯ ͈̺̰̥̹4͈̣͙5͍ ͈͙͍͙4̦͈ͅe̟ ̳̞̬ͅ4͔̜̦̮̯͝f ̙͚̜̞̲͡5͕͔͖̳͖̼5͈̲̥̟̥͈͢ ̵̟̗̜̺͈̹̣4̷͔e̫͈͖̫̩͝ ͞4̘͕͉̩̥ͅ3̠͎̩̣̣̠ͅ ̘̥̙̳4̕5̫ ̢̗̹͙̲̫2҉0͈̻͚̮̩̹̺ ̨̠5̺̼͠4̧̻ ̗4̦8̩̻̻ ͖̖̗̗4̭͇5̯͈̳ ̻̘̠͜2̘̖0̷̟͉͇͈̠̰̗ ̯͖͍͠ͅ4̛1̘̬͎̘̥̖̙ ̪̹5̴̭̪̭̪0̻̦͚ ̥̪͔͔͈̮̱5̵̦̫̰̤̦0̹͚̲̤̫̱̺͠ ̷͚̪̱̯̺̭4͏̻̜͕̗c̡̼̞͇̣̗͉̮ ͕̦͔4̰̜̖̳̹̲͟5͉͚͓̹̞͇ ̼̝̥̫͈̘̻2̖̲̪͇0̡͍ ̞4̨͔̱̻̻̯̪d͓̜̰ ͓̱̻̱̳4͠1͕̤̱̀ ̜̣̞5̸̹͔2̭́ ͔̺̻̪̤͙͢4̙͚̫̮̗̤͎5̮ ͝20̡͚͇ ̳4̲1̩͟ ̤͉̲͖̟̪͈4̧̘͇̖̯̼͎͔e͖̫̻̺ ҉͉̦̯̗͔̜ͅ44̧̺̩ ̶2͖͙̟0 ̣͉͇͕̟5̱̼4̘̞͖̗̫̳͓͡ ̰̗̹̥̲̩ͅ4͠8 ̛͙͓̯4͇̼̘͙̮̫̤5͙̯̠̱̣̲ͅ ̶̜͙͍̹2͙0̧̠͉̲̖ ̥͕̭̘̘͡4̴̼͚͉̪3 ̵͇̜̖5̼̼̫̼̺2̮̤̮̙ ̬̻̫͚͙̪5͔̟͍̥̗̞ͅ9̖̻̥̘͎ ̤̖̦̹5͚͖̯͍͘3̕ ̛̫̙̼͙5̯̟4̸͚̗ ͏͙͉̹̞̪̺̼4̛̠̹̯̘1̤͞ ̜̱͇̥̪̀4̭͕̗͚̺̹͞c͉͓͎̙͎̯ ̝20̜̤ ̳͈͓̤̗͟5̰͢0̤͔͝ ͢5͙͙͞2҉̱̲̜ ͈4̖͖̺͍9̯̙͇͉ ͇̻̙͢4̼̖̗̥̩e̘͚̜̥̻ ̲̝̞̠͘4͏̼̤̩̻̻͙̭3̪̱͓͖̰̕ ̵̙̥͉̫̳̞4̹͓̟̺̜͍͝ͅ5̶ ̻͖̰̳̮̪̟5̵̥̼̼̩̱3͜ ̹̜̫̦̙͕5̨̼̫̭̯̺̟3̜͞ ͉̼͍̲̟͘2̰̞̘1̨̻̹̪̻ ̴̳̼͍̻̫̟2̸̠̫̦1̶̻̪͕̖͓̬ ̲̖͝2̛̯̞̣̬̮̝̥1̙͡


Magical Batteries to Power...

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #3: 'Rescue at Midnight Castle'/'Firefly's Adventure'

You know I kind of like this Suns.uiswejuri9wjuo9wi



Welcome back my little ponies... It is I again Deinos the Terrible! What were we talking about again? Oh Origins. Mine is long and terrible happening on a nightmare night long ago when... What's that? You're terrified and want to get back to playful romping like the ponies of old.

Well, that hasn't always been the case my little ponies. MLP's first special 'Rescue at Midnight Castle'/'Firefly's Adventure' was quite the fright. Written by George Arthur Bloom who would go on to write the 2nd special, MLP the Movie, the G1 Transformers pilot, and head writer of the first two MLP TV series this special casts a rather dark tone so much that the rest of MLP TV endeavors were lightened a lot.

You have it all my little ponies, a vicious dragon attack with the first five minutes, threats of beheading, corruption of body and soul, dark images, and a villain who looks like he came out of a death metal album cover who whats to bring about Eternal Night!

What's that my little ponies? This all sounds familiar? Well it should when MLP was rebooted with your Friendship is Magic the first MLP special and many of the ponies involved were used as models for the new series and it's own pilot. Thus you have Twilight, Firefly, and Applejack becoming your own Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack.

It is worth a look my ponies... If you Dare! MUHHAHAHAHA!!!!

5̯͓͎̼̳̜5̻̳͇͍̥̼͚ ̤͝4͎͖̗̞͈̻e̼̺̳̳ ̛͈4̜̱̹̞̣̞̕9̟̬̪̫͉̼ ̺͉͈̰̤̪̝͝5͏̳̼̤̳̲̝̤4̣̱̱̦͎̦ͅ ̪̥͍͚͙̜͡4̹̫͉͙5̷ ̳̀2̣̤͚̖͍͚0̮͕̙͓̥ ͕̟͈̘͈̩͜5̝̮̕4̙̗͔͈̱̦ ̢͍ͅ48͜ ̩͖4̸̳̖̬̠̠̱5̶͉̱͚ ̴̗̙͇͖̱͖2̵̹̖̤̖͉̻0̣͕̩̘͕̫ ̠͉͚̙̙4̙̥̖̩͈8̢͔͖̩͇͈ ̶͓̬̠4̬̼͡5͖ ͇͇5̯̬̘̩̩̳2̨̣̦͈͚ ̦͇̩̥̯̗44͎̯͢ ̧̞͙͍͕͈ͅͅ2̶͓̗̰̜̼͓1̤̤̲̼̞ ͙2̱̝1̺̩͇͟ ̖̪͘2̝͖̜̟̯̫1͠


Isn't she just the best?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #2: Fizzy and the Flying Fish!



Oh there you are my little ponies, sorry for my lateness I was a bit busy feasting on the blood of some unlucky little foals! Muhahaha!!!

Where were we? Oh yes, the Jewel Eyed ponies and their disfigured shrapnel eyes! Amazingly the story continued some 31 issues later with a follow up called 'Fizzy and the Flying Fish' in which Fizzy, the defacto leader of the Jewel Eyed ponies and Apple Jack their savior find out that there are more surviving Jewel Eyed ponies still in the cave. After the death of the Jewel Wizard and the shrapnel in the eyes they hid fearing their disfigurement would bring them shame and humiliation.

I know this doesn't seem so scary on the surface my herd of little ponies but think about it a little - the ponies so feared being ostracized that they stayed hidden in the cave where they were abused and tortured for years - long enough to lose their sight my herd!

See you later my little ponies!

5̗̖0̫͕̻͈̬̝̰ ͕͉̠̤͙5̳̼̬̕2̟̥͈̗̼̥ ̞͍̹̬4҉̝̦5ͅ ͕50͎̙̤ ̺̝̪̳4̫̜̞̰͝1 ̗͈̣̝̖5̶͈̣2̲͢ ̲̲̱͕̲4̩̹̪̯5͕͍ ͈̟̟̖̝̯͘20̶̳͖̹̠̭ ͓̟͖̟4̵6 ́4̨f̪͙͡ ̵̹̜̱̬̟5͍͉̠̠̫͖2̳̀ ̙̩2̼̦̱̯͉̰̗0̞̯̭̞͇̬̕ ̦̳̤5͖̤̱4̶̪͔͍͍̩ͅ ̶̠̦̩̣̙4̫̱̳̲̣8͔̮͓̭̣ ̛͎̤̼̦̮4̯̱́5͍ ̧̖2̷0͚ ̡̬͉͙̞ͅ4̝͇̮͔͉͇3̶̗ ̠͕̬͎͓ͅ4̷f̖ 4̢͈̫̩͉͈͚d̞̟͉̝ ̛͙̦4̬̳̙̝̜̳9̮͔͢ ͕͖4̻̰e̙͇̺̭̬̜̭͟ ̵̹̖4͏̞̰̰̥̱͙7̪̭̫̲͉͠ ̩̞̬͡2̺͙͠0͏ ̞4̟̙f̥̲̀ ͙̰̬̪4̧6͔̖̖͠ ͏͈͕͈̞̠̮͙2̢̜0͔̜ ̧̦4̡̳͈̦̣̫͉̤8̟̺̦ ̷͇̮͚4̝͔̖͜9̟͔̩ ̱̖̣͍͈͟5̯͕̭͎͙3 ̣̬͖̮̗͝ͅͅ2̭͎̰̭͈͜0̯̩͘ ̝̳̗̤̩ͅ5̖̼̪̤̣̳2̛̞̦̜͉̞̪̯ ͚̹̲͔̼͜49̸̖̱ ͖̗̠̣̜͉̱4̰̳̼̜̭ͅ7̗͡ ̰̠̮͔͟4̫͍̝̰͎͎͎8̶̣͚ ̝̦5̫͔4̨̯͕̯ ̶̦4͎̤̱͕͖̖5̴̟̺ ̪̣̘4̲̪̬̭̭̬f̢̙̘̰͙̫ ͚̺̦̟̘͔5҉ͅ5̙͞ ͔͓̖53̹͈̝͍̭͍ ͎̹2̖͝0̕ ͏̼̙̤̫̞̘4̞̝͔̀4 ͓̤̹͈̗̼͚4̖̪̥̝̘͍͚5̪́ ̳͉͔̩͈͈5̠͎͖̯͘6̹̲̪ ̝͍̼̝͚͞4͍̘̣̲͢1̮ ̵5̲͢3̧̜͙͈͖̦ͅͅ ̝͓͖̦̙͟ͅ54͖̲̞̞͉̟̳̕ ̯͇̦̜͚̳͓4̹̩̝̝̙1̵̯͍ ̜̳͖͔̫͍͡5͔͎͈̱4͚̭̺ ͈̟͈4̩͚͓͔̗ͅ9̶̪̭̬ ̼̳͉̥͚͉4̳̬f̰̬͙͖͓̥̪ ̢͖̟͚͖̖̬̱4̩̪̠e̻ ͘2̨1̪̝̮̗ ̠̦͓̹2͉͍̮̦̳̪̣1̙̺ͅ ̡͉͔͍͉̟̤2͔̭̮͡1̲̯̼̯͕͢ͅ ҉̳̥̟̗̫2̪͟0҉̱̲̬͕͚͍̞ ̞͠2̻̟̙̻̥͎͚0̻̲̘͕

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sables of the DAMNED #1: Applejack's Amazing Adventure


Incoming Transmission!

*A macabre batpony mare with shining fangs appears on the screen*

Welcome my herd to the Sables of the Damned! I am Deinos, your guide to the horror that awaits you in the land of your favorite pastel colored equines. You see horror is not confined to your 'Nightmare Night', it is all around in the land of your precious ponies, my herd. Stop reeling away! I don't bite... hard that is... *Grins wide*

Our first little jaunt into the madness of pony is the little happy tale called Applejack's Amazing Adventure. It is amazing my herd... oh yes, it is a tale of a happy go lucky pony who gets playfully lost and then walks into a slave camp filled with abused and battered ponies then proceeds to murder their captor. Finally in the explosive conclusion shrapnel is jabbed in the eyes of an entire group of ponies - yes, my herd this is the horrific origin story of the 'Twinkle Eyed' ponies from the comic 'My Little Pony #11':

This was most likely the inspiration for the 'A Dog and Pony Show' and 'The Crystal Empire' episodes of your vaunted Friendship is Magic show my herd.

The Twinkle Eyed ponies both have similar abilities such as the Twinkle Eyes have eyes which Twinkle when they are happy (and was neutralized when they were hit by the gloom of the Smooze in MLP: The Movie) and both were enslaved to mine magical jewels/crystals as a major part of their origin stories - so it seems my herd the horror comes full circle. You will never see this commercial the same way my herd... yes.


But you know what is really scary my herd? Notice the 'Story Request' banner - several kids wrote to the MLP comic book and asked for a story about the origin of the Twinkle Eyed ponies. This is obviously an example of being cautious when seeking out knowledge my herd... you might not like what you find for it may be something out to step on you, drive you mad, or drain you of your precious and delicious blood my herd...