Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #13: The Bright Lights



Welcome once again my little ponies! It is I Deinos, the mare of midnight! With Nightmare Night fast approaching let us look at the My Little Pony 'n Friends serial 'Bright Lights'. Bright light features a traveling male performer pony named Knight Shade who is a mash up of 80s pop icons Prince and Michael Jackson. But this performer has a dark secret - he has made an unholy bargain with a demon named Erebus where he is given great fame but is used by Erebus as a vehicle to collect 'shadows' What are theses 'shadows' my little ponies? Why they are actually souls as Galaxy implies in episode two of the serial:  "No doubt they feel empty and incomplete. The loss of their shadows being an outward sign of some loss of substance." So yes, the demon here is feeding on souls to gain power.

Oh and the demon Erebus? He takes his name from Erebus the Ancient Greek primeval god of darkness "whose dark mists enveloped the edges of the world, and filled the deep hollows of the earth". The name was also used for the dismal, netherworld realm of Hades. (Erebus on Theoi)

 So yeah, we have the personification of darkness and suffering devouring the souls of cute pastel ponies in a story of a Faustian bargain - isn't My Little Pony 'n Friends grand?

What happens to those whose souls have been taken? Well when the ponies travel to the little gothic town of Grayvale they find out my little ponies...

The inhabitants of the town have become warped living in darkness, driven into utter depression, and filled with anger. They belt out a song 'We're Going to Make You Sorry' in raspy voices as they come streaming from under bridges, out of graveyards, and dank basements to converge on our group of protagonist ponies.

Eventually, the ponies do triumph by weakening Erebus by making him expend his powers and he is finally defeated by the Flutter Ponies. The Flutter Ponies, those lithe ponies with fairy wings, belt out a ballad singing about how utterly badass they are and how they are not to be messed with as they utterly curb stomp the soul devouring demon of darkness.

Until next time my little ponies be wary of signing contracts with odd figures... they may be more than what you bargained for!

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From My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #12 which came out today:

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