Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #7: The Madness of Patch



Hello again my little ponies, it is I Deinos! Tonight let us focus on a certain pony from My Little Pony Tales. She my ponies is kind of similar to how you imagine your Lyra Heartstrings to be. She is weird, she believes in conspiracy theories, she is best friends with a pony named Bon Bon (and seems rather very close), and has obsessions with fantastic creatures like aliens or "Magical Flying Ponies".

Unlike your Lyra she is an actually mane character in the show and she encounters things such as a ghost in 'Slumber Party' and the 'Magical Flying Ponies' (An Alicorn with Pegasi - both believed to be Mythical).

She is the only one who ever sees these things and all the other characters do not because they are away for some reason. Ex - Everypony else is asleep when Patch encounters Squire's ghost and even though Bon Bon was in the balloon she was covering her eyes in fear because their balloon was crashing and afterward she doesn't believe Patch's story about 'Magical Flying Ponies' appearing and saving them. 

This presents two interesting options and ways of viewing My Little Pony Tales:

A: Although the world is dominated by technology and normal (like our own appears) the world is actually a lot more magical and much weird place. It is a world where spirits walk the night and an Alicorn keeps close watch on a town of Earth Ponies while hiding its own existence as well as the existence of other types of ponies for reasons utterly unknown.

B: Patch is absolutely freaking mad and is hallucinating all of her encounters.

Both of these options make for great ways of looking at the show and I have to say it was a rather brilliant move keeping Patch's experiences debatable by having other characters away when she has them and questioning them.

Until next time My Little Ponies - Sleep tight for the bed bugs they do bite... as well as other thing that go bump in the night!

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