Monday, October 21, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #4: 'Escape From Catrina'

Please He782y28 She's 93i93ui39o3202030230239023 S9292902u90i29023i023i2302i3022i9492uijuhdddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 9qw29u23u922222222222222222ka! Stop! *Thud*



Welcome back my little ponies to the Stables of the DAMNED! I am Deinos, your guide to the weird and horriflying in your stories of the Little Ponies. Let us talk some more about George Arthur Bloom. Following the 1st MLP Special he wrote the second 'Escape From Catrina' which features the abusive Catrina who is a drug addict. Yes, my children the second special featured the villain Catrina who used to be nice until she discovered Witchweed which 'made her feel powerful' and needed more and more of it.

As her addiction got worse she turned to abusing her lover Rep, a shape shifting lizard, who repeatily tries to unsuccessfully reason with Catrina and try to stop her but ends up enabling her as she gets worse and worse. Already she is employing slaves to make the Witchweed potion and finally she attempts to kill an adorable little baby pony as she is driven mad by her addiction and need for the potion...

Also if you have only seen it in syndication there was a particular song that was cut from the special about Catrina's change and her abuse of Rep my ponies.

Yes, this is an anti-drug PSA my ponies but it is one that is less heavy handed and focuses on the destruction addiction causes to those around you... Until next time my ponies. Muhahaha!!!

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Magical Batteries to Power...

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