Thursday, October 31, 2013

Stables of the DAMNED #14: The Uninvited Guest!



Welcome once again my little ponies! It is I Deinos, the mare of midnight! It's here my little ponies! Nightmare Night! But don't worry after tonight there will be two bonuses!

Tonight however we look at a story where all the ponies died - 'The Uninvited Guest' from My Little Pony #5. You see my little ponies you should always be careful about your guest list, leaving some important guests off the list leads to utterly terrible consequences.

And in the end the lone survivor Twilight just reverses time and alters the entirety of reality so that the events never happened in the first place. And you 'Bronies' complain about your own Twilight Sparkle being overpowered! Sheesh! But also remember it cost a thousand stars 'which twinkled in the sky then disappeared' to do that little trick of altering all of reality...

Happy Nightmare Night!

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1 comment:

  1. This story was actually better written than when FiM tried to do time reversing and such interestingly...

    Just discovered your blog and I love your posts!
